IGPN reports on "Green Manufacturing and Management for Electronics Industry" in Pune, India |
Workshop on Green Manufacturing and Management for Electronics Industry was held in Pune, India on 7th March 2006. It was organised in cooperation with Center for Electronics Test Engineering, Pune (CETE), Mahratta Chamber of Commerce, Industries And Agriculture (MCCIA) and International Green Purchasing Network (IGPN).
Mr. Banerji, Director of CETE, delivered the Welcome Addresses wherein he explained the background and rationale behind organising the workshop. Underlining the need of integrating environmental concerns in the electronics manufacturing due to the changing customer needs in the globalisation era, Mr. Banerjee emphasised that Indian electronics industry must embrace Green Manufacturing in order to remain competitive in the global markets.
Dr. Prasad Modak, a leading environmental management expert in India and Partner, Environmental Management Centre presented the keynote address on the topic “Globalisation - Challenges and Opportunities for Indian Electronics Industry”. Through numerous examples, from India as well as from abroad, he presented the emerging paradigm of sustainability and deliberated on how the environmental and social issues are fast becoming mainstream issues for the survival & competitiveness of the Indian electronics industry.
Mr. Hiroyuki Sato, Secretary General of Green Purchasing Network, Japan, in this keynote address on Green Manufacturing for Global Competitiveness, presented the concept of green purchasing and green supply chain in detail. The highlight of his presentation was an extensive list of examples from across the world and the green purchasing related activities in Japan. He concluded his presentation by saying that the customers have already started green purchasing/procurement across the world and had made reasonable successes.
Mr. Vinayak Kelkar, Director of MCCIA, presented the Vote of Thanks to all the international as well as local speakers and reiterated a strong support from the MCCIA for the activities related to green manufacturing in the industrial sector in Western India in general and electronics industry in particular.
In the first technical session, Understanding Green Manufacturing - An Overview, two case studies were presented. Dr. L. Ramakrishnan, Philips India Ltd., presented the Green Manufacturing Activities at Philips throughout its products life cycle. His illustrative presentation was an opportunity for the participants to get a complete overview of the green manufacturing activities in the electronics sector.
Mr. Kiyoto Furuta, Deputy Senior General Manager, Environment Management and Engineering Center, Global Environment Promotion Headquarters, Canon Inc. presented the Canon’s Environmental Management Strategies and Green Procurement Activities in Japanese Electronics Industry. The highlight of his presentation was the detailed explanation on the Material Declaration Standardization (Green Procurement Survey) practices in Japan.
In the second technical session, Green Manufacturing – Case Studies, Mr. Atul Killedar, Manager, Chemical Technology and Environmental Coordination at Vishay Components India Pvt Ltd., presented their case study of Conversion to Lead-free solder, which is a pressing issue for the Indian electronics industry.
Mr. Taro Hatano, Chief, Market Information Department, Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Japan, presented the Green Manufacturing Activities in Japanese Parts Manufacturing Industry. Specifically, he presented the efforts at Murata Manufacturing through his presentation “The outline of the Management of Chemical Substances as our Green Manufacturing Activities”. His presentation covered three main topics: (1) why we need to manage legal and customer requirements for product environment (2) how we manage chemical substances in manufacturing our products (3) how we manage compliance with product environmental legislation. Mr. Hatano, with the aid of excellent PowerPoint slides, elaborated in detail the efforts made by Murata Corporation in eliminating hazardous substances from their manufacturing operations in response to various national and international requirements such as RoHS in EU.
To kick off the last session of the day, Panel Discussion, Mr. Akira Kataoka, Manager of IGPN Secretariat, presented the status of IGPN activities in other Asian countries. This presentation was an overview of ongoing efforts and initiatives of IGPN as well as other agencies in different parts of the world with regard to green manufacturing and green purchasing.
After the presentation by Mr. Kataoka, the floor was opened for the panel discussion, which was moderated by Mr. Vinayak Kelkar of MCCIA and Mr. Mandar Parasnis of E2KM Group. All the participants actively participated in the discussion and gave their feedback and ideas for future activities. |
Programme |
Documents: |
Presentation Documents |
Globalisation - Challenges and Opportunities
for Indian Electronics Industry
Prasad Modak (leading environmental management expert in India and Partner,
Environmental Management Centre) |
Green Manufacturing for Global Competitiveness
Hiroyuki Sato (Secretary General, Green Purchasing Network, Japan) |
Green Manufacturing Activities at Philips
L. Ramakrishnan (Philips India Ltd) |
Canon’s Environmental Management Strategies and Green Procurement Activities in Japanese Electronics Industry
Kiyoto Furuta (Deputy Senior General Manager, Environment Management and Engineering Center, Global Environment Promotion Headquarters, Canon Inc) |
The Outline of the Management of Chemical Substances As Our Green Manufacturing Activities
Taro Hatano (Chief, Market Information Department, Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Japan) |
IGPN and Green Purchasing Activities in Asia
Akira Kataoka (Manager, IGPN Secretariat) |
Other Document |
Mission Report – IGPN Delegation Visits India |