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Green Purchasing : The New Growth Frontier

This book seeks to inform the reader about the significant contribution of Green Purchasing in making the environment more liveable. It is a useful guide to governments and interested parties on how to promote Green Purchasing through measures such as establishing Green Purchasing laws, eco-labelling, Green Purchasing Networks, green products databases and exhibitions. Specifically, the book:
- Provides an overview of the various policies and programmes that have been instituted by the governments of various Asian and European countries and the United States in promoting Green Purchasing. These include eco-labelling and government green procurement laws
- Describes the efforts of the private sector in promoting Green Purchasing. These include the activities of Green Purchasing Networks in promoting Green Purchasing through the development of product databases and exhibitions. The concerted efforts by governments and businesses across the globe should bring home the point of the urgency of Green Purchasing
- Analyses the future of Green Purchasing, namely, the greening of the supply chain and expanding private-sector green purchasing
- Identifies the critical success factors that must exist to ensure the embedding of green technology in the production and supply of green products and services, and in cultivating the desire for Green Purchasing in the hearts and minds of the consuming public
- Provides recommendations on how to pursue Green Purchasing in the future more effectively.
We hope this publication will serve as a good source of reference and inspiration.
October 2010
Prof Ryoichi Yamamoto
International Green Purchasing Network (IGPN)
Augustine Koh
Council Member,
International Green Purchasing Network (IGPN)
Green Purchasing Network Malaysia (GPNM)